Thursday, 22 September 2011

Create a New Facebook Page

Categorizing and naming your new page

Go ahead - pick one of these 6 categories for your new page. When you do, the image flips up and reveals a drop-down box where you can choose something very specific to that category.

Once you've found a category that's similar to whatever your Page will be about, you can then type out the "Name" for your page. If you don't know what to pick, believe me, you'll have a more clear picture once you administer the Page for awhile. Once again, you can always change the category in the future if you believe something better should have been used.

Be extremely careful in naming your page, as it is PERMANENT and will be seen within the actual URL of your Facebook Page (for all of you SEO professionals, you'll immediately see the importance of this). Here's a warning from me to you:

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